Breaking the Stigma of Non-Traditional Career Pathway with Teshera Hull

How should your career journey go? You go to school, then college, entering higher education and after graduation, embarking on the world of work in your chosen career. However, this isn’t the case for many people. The pressure to follow a linear educational journey can be immense. Yet, some individuals found remarkable success by breaking this stigma around not following the ‘traditional’ pathway.  

As marketing director of GE, Teshera Hull, says,  

"I never had a traditional college background and I had so many people say to me: Oh my gosh, you're a mom and you're in grad school and you have this impressive job. How are you doing all of it?"


In our latest episode of the HerSuccess podcast, we heard Teshera’s story of her unconventional career journey, educational background, and the importance of authenticity. Teshera explains how after high school, travelled across Europe, and then going straight to the workforce where she has worked her way up and earned her degrees while being a caring mother of two.  


It’s very important to realize that "diverse talent" also means "people from very diverse educational backgrounds". Diverse educational backgrounds bring a wealth of perspectives and approaches, which can fuel team creativity and drive overall organizational success. Therefore, you don’t always need to follow traditional steps in order to get your dream job or achieve your goals. 


"Even though you may take some different twists and turns in your career, it's your career and you get to craft it in the best way."


Whether it is an apprenticeship, on-the-job training or even coming out of your comfort zone and switching your profession, the hands-on experience brings fresh perspectives and new skills which can lead to unique opportunities for growth and creativity that a traditional route might not offer.  

Teshera shares not only her impressive career journey, but also the tips on how she balances a corporate job, entrepreneurial ventures, and single motherhood.

This episode explores:  

  • Teshera’s ‘non-traditional’ background and career journey
  • Entrepreneurship and developing passive income  
  • Work-life balance and managing priorities  
  • Insights into medical education  
  • How companies can approach DEI
  • The importance of a sponsor as well as a mentor 

Tune to the latest episode of the HerSuccess Podcast to hear the full story of Teshera Hull’s career journey. 

Make sure to follow us on Apple or Spotify to receive new episodes every fortnight.